24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
Starting the fast today at 8.44 am. Breaking the fast on 27 December from 8.44 am to 10.48 am. Timings are calculated for Korsnäs Gård.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
Starting the fast today at 8.36 am. Breaking the fast on 11 January from 8.35 am to 10.49 am. Timings are calculated for Korsnäs Gård.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
Starting the fast today at 8.12 am. Breaking the fast on 26 January from 8.10 am to 10.44 am. Timings are calculated for Korsnäs Gård.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
Starting the fast today at 7.41 am. Total fast until noon for Varahadeva. Breaking the fast on 9 February from 7.38 am to 10.35 am. Timings ...
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
Starting the fast today at 6.59 am. Breaking the fast on 25 February from 6.56 am to 8.20 am. Timings are calculated for Korsnäs Gård.
24-hour fasting from grains and legumes.
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